作者:佚名    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2015-1-13

    沧州荣威联轴器为您介绍艾默生动力传动,艾默生工业自动化旗下的一个业务公司,总部位于美国肯塔基州,是全球领先的动力传动产品制造商。服务行业涵盖冶金,石化,矿产,航天,电力,林木,暖通,食品饮料等众多领域,公司拥有众多知名品牌,如Browning, Jaure, Kop-Flex, McGill, Morse, Rollway, Sealmaster和 System Plast等,对应的产品有轴承,联轴器,齿轮箱和其他机械传动产品(如流体控制设备、电子传动设备、皮带传动设备、链条传动设备)。目前在全球范围内共拥有19个制造基地和配送中心,3700名员工。

Power Transmission Solutions, a division within Emerson Industrial Automation, is a major producer of mechanical power transmission. EPT serves a wide array of machinery-intense industries, including metal, petrochemical, mining and quarrying, power generation, construction, forestry and wood products, and heating&ventilation. With headquarters in Florence, Kentucky, USA, EPT consists of the Browning, Sealmaster, Rollway, Morse, McGill, Kop-Flex , Jaure , and System Plast, product brands with bearings, couplings, gearing and other mechanical components. EPT has 14 manufacturing and distribution facilities.


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